Mactaquac Dam Update

Mactaquac Dam Update

Remember this story from the ARC2015 (2015 Atlantic Reclamation Conference and field tour) in Fredericton, New Brunswick?- and now you know “The rest of the story”. There are many projects in our working lives that we hear about as being at a critical stage of a...

Dam Safety 101

Hosted by Stantec Consulting, in partnership with Nova Scotia Lands Inc., this workshop will cover the following topics: Roles and Responsibilies: Dam Owners and the Canadian Dam Association Dam Fundamentals: What is a dam, what types of dams are there? Dam Safety...

Watercourse Alteration Certification for New Brunswick

The Maritime College of Forest Technology’s, Department of Continuing Education is pleased to offer Watercourse Alteration Certification training with Kyle Werner as instructor. The course dates are November 27th- December 1st, 2017. The course will be held in room...